

Understanding the concept of mappers is not required for basic uses of dj-angles. It is only needed to support additional HTML tags or for custom implementations.

Basic flow

dj-angles is built on the basic flow of:

  1. parse template HTML with regex

  2. look up a mapper for any matches found

  3. call mapper appropriately

dj-angles includes a dictionary of built-in mappers. However, custom mappers can be added to handle other use cases.

Custom mappers

All of the mappers are stored in a dictionary.

The key of the mapper dictionary is a string and is the text match of the regex after the initial_tag_regex, i.e. for the default initial_tag_regex of r"(dj-)", the key would be the result after “dj-” until a space or a “>”.

For example, if "<dj-include template='partial.html' />" was in the HTML, "include" would be looked up in the mapper dictionary to determine what to do with that tag.

The value of the mapper dictionary can either be a string or a callable.

string value

When the dictionary value is a string, it replaces the initial_tag_regex plus the key, and puts it between “{%”, arguments, and then “%}”.


    "mappers": {
        "component": "include",
<dj-component 'partial.html' />

Would compile to the following Django template.

{% include 'partial.html' %}

Callable value

When the dictionary value is a callable, the string result is dictated by the output of the mapper function. The callable has one argument, Tag, which encapsulates information about the matched tag that can be useful in building custom functionality, e.g. tag_name, is_end, is_self_closing, etc.


from dj_angles import Tag

def map_text(tag: Tag) -> str:
    return "This is some text."

def map_hello(tag: Tag) -> str:
    return f"<p>{tag.tag_name.upper()}! {tag.template_tag_args}</p>"

    "mappers": {
        "text": map_text,
        "hello": map_hello,
<dj-text />

<dj-hello 'Goodbye!' />

Would compile to the following Django template.

This is some text.

<p>HELLO! Goodbye!</p>